
First Shipment Arrives in Australia

Posted on February 26, 2015 by Geoff Van Der Meer

Charles (Chucky) Van Der Meer, looking resplendent in orange high visibility vest, borrowed work boots and Giorgio Armani sunglasses, at Port Botany docks, Sydney, waiting to collect our first shipment of fabric protection sprays, in to Australia.

Initially, he didn't didn't have his hands in his pockets, wasn't reclining enough against the van, and was nearly ordered off the site.

After some serious waiting time, social media catch-up, games and, 'gee, that's a big crane', we watched our shrink-wrapped pallet successfully fork-lifted into the back of the mighty VW Caddy with nano-millimetres clearance all around.

Everything arrived safely. Tooling up the freeway, the back of the van chock-a-block full of our new cartons of sprays, the mighty Caddy didn't miss a beat.

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